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Create a Server


Launch a new Cloud Private Cloud and create, move, resize, and destroy any number of virtual instances within your own environment. Choose from the options below and begin configuring your private cloud today. All services are billed daily and presented in a monthly estimated format for your convenience.

Choose Server Type


  • Does not include tax.
  • Additional charges may apply for image, bandwidth, and backup usage.

All services are charged daily, but you will receive a bill only once per month. Any terminated services are charged only for the time they were active. Monthly prices listed are estimates based on a 30.42 day month, and for convenience only. They should not be considered accurate predictions of your monthly bill. You will be charged an initial payment for service from now until your next regular billing date, followed by monthly payments based on number of days of usage for each option you have selected. Pay-per-GB services are not included in the totals or estimates.